Initiatief Jeugdhulp Zuid-Limburg

At KACE, we are privileged to collaborate closely with Initiatief Jeugdzorg Zuid-Limburg, a remarkable alliance dedicated to optimizing home-based growth and development for every young person in Zuid-Limburg. This initiative unites 28 care organizations, each committed to enhancing the quality of youth care through shared knowledge, experience, and resources.

Our role with Initiatief Jeugdzorg Zuid-Limburg involves crafting impactful communication tools that convey the essence of their mission and the transformative work they do. From informative brochures and compelling visual content to engaging reports that highlight their successes and challenges, we help them tell their story in a way that resonates deeply with stakeholders and the broader community. This partnership not only aligns with our commitment to social responsibility but also allows us to contribute to meaningful change in the lives of children and families across Zuid-Limburg.


            Project created by KACE [en] For Initiatief Jeugdzorg Zuid-Limburg, we crafted a logo that encapsulates the organization’s six fundamental characteristics: safety, growth, care, youth, perspective, and collaboration. This logo is shaped into a figure, each part designed to visually represent these attributes, emphasizing the holistic approach the organization takes towards youth care.

     We chose bright, optimistic colors for the logo to evoke a sense of hope and positivity, reflecting the organization’s commitment to creating a supportive and vibrant environment for the youth they serve.

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